This iconic Russian monoplane fighter of the late 1930s is brought to life in a 60" wingspan scale model by Derek Micko, and featured as a construction series in the digital edition of Model Aviation magazine, October 2018. Our short kit includes laser-cut balsa and plywood parts. Plans are NOT INCLUDED with the basic short kit. You can add them to your short kit as an OPTION, or you can download them free from the Model Aviation magazine plans website.
The Polikarpov I-16 was operated by multiple air forces, and was used by the Spanish Republicans from 1936, dominating the Fiat CR-32, Heinkel He 51 and Arado 68 biplane fighters of the Spanish Nationalist air force. In Spain, the Republicans called it the "Mosca" (fly); the Nationalists called it the "Rata" (rat).
During the German invasion of Russia in 1941, Soviet pilots found that their I-16 "Ishak" (donkey) aircraft could fight the Messerschmitt Bf 109E on equal terms in turns. The Germans made destruction of I-16 fighter bases a priority in their invasion tactics.
Wing Span: 60 inches
Weight: 4 to 5 pounds
Controls: 5 Channels (Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder, Retracts)
Motor: Power 46 Electric
This kit may ship "Parcel Select Ground" due to size and weight.