The Funk was a 1930's era 2 seat monoplane designed by brothers Howard and Joe Funk. Typical of the era, the airframe was of steel tube and wood and covered in fabric and dope. The original Model B was powered by a 200 cubic inch Ford Model B engine that produced 50 horse power. Funks were produced by the Akron Aircraft Co., and later by the Funk Aircraft Co. Later variants were built using 75 hp Lycoming and 85 hp Continental engines. It's estimated that around 200 airplanes were built, and around 100 are still registered.
The Funk was an average sized airplane of the era with a 35' span and a length of 20' 1" and is reported to be a good flyer with a cruise speed of 100 mph. Construction was very similar to the later Aeronca Champ and Chief incorporating a triangulated aft fuselage with plywood formers and stringers.
The model was designed by Pat Tritle. The short kit includes full-size printed plans, laser-cut balsa and plywood parts, and vacuum-formed plastic cowl and wheel pants.
Wingspan: 60 inches
Control: 4-channel RC
Motor: Suppo 2217 Outrunner
Battery: 2S 2200 LiPo
Flying weight: 26 ounces