Dreamboat - Modernized Ken Willard's "Dreamboat" Model Airplane Kit

Your Price: $235.98
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Part Number:594

Span: 46in
Ken Willard's "Dreamboat" brought forward with modern improvements by noted designer Andy Kunz! The Dreamboat has a 46" wingspan and is designed to be electric-powered with a Park 370 motor.
This short kit includes laser-cut balsa and plywood parts, and printed plans.

Here's Andy's guidance on extra items you would need to complete the kit:
Non-balsa items you will need are the windshield (I use Spektrum receiver boxes - they're Lexan) and battery tie-down strap. As noted in the thread, the electronics are all from an E-flite Mini Apprentice. The ailerons pushrods are from the Mini Apprentice. I used the Mini Apprentice electronics because the model is for my one son who doesn't get to fly as much as the rest of us. I wanted him to have a panic button. You really don't need any stabilization with this plane - it's rock solid by design. You'll need 4 servos, and ESC (20-30A), and a motor. The prop can be trimmed down from the Mini Apprentice if that's what you're using. The plane flies just fine at a little over half throttle. If you are using an AR636 receiver, be sure you have a programming cable so you can adjust the gains and servo reversing. The rudder and elevator pushrods are .072" piano wire running through plastic straws at the exits. The aileron & elevator control horns are DuBro per the plans. For the rudder horn I made a tiller arm of brass tubing soldered to a piano wire torque rod.

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