Balsa Planks - 1/16"

Your Price: $6.98
Out of Stock.
Part Number:3472
Bundle of 20 balsa planks 1/16" x 4" x 12". Great for scratch builders and general hobbyists!

These planks are material that we can't use in our laser cutter. Due to warping, they won't lay perfectly flat on the laser cutter bed. They are suitable for sheeting fuselages and wings, for cutting individual parts, and for stripping into stringers. The planks may have some blemishes. The planks are offered at 50% or less of retail price, but must be purchased in bundles of 20 planks per thickness. Bundles are available in thicknesses of 1/16, 3/32 and 1/8 inch. All planks were originally supplied to us by either Bud Nosen Models or Balsa USA.

When multiple bundles are ordered, we will adjust shipping prices and refund shipping overcharges accordingly.

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